Hey everyone, I am drawing some rectangles in canv...
# compose
Hey everyone, I am drawing some rectangles in canvas and scaled them myself and that gave me the correct result. However, later I decided to use
on canvas instead of my original approach and that does not seem to render anything (or render too small for it to be visible) so I was wondering if that is the correct approach or not? Code in thread
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private fun Screen(displayMatrix: DisplayMatrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, scale: Int = Display.SCALE) {
    Canvas(modifier.scale(scale.toFloat())) {
      for (y in 0 until Display.ROWS) {
        for (x in 0 until Display.COLUMNS) {
          val color = if (displayMatrix.getPixel(x, y)) Color.White else Color.Black
            color = color,
            topLeft = Offset((x).toFloat(), (y).toFloat()),
            size = Size(1.toFloat(), 1.toFloat())
Original code
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private fun Screen(displayMatrix: DisplayMatrix, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, scale: Int = Display.SCALE) {
    Canvas(modifier) {
      for (y in 0 until Display.ROWS) {
        for (x in 0 until Display.COLUMNS) {
          val color = if (displayMatrix.getPixel(x, y)) Color.White else Color.Black
            color = color,
            topLeft = Offset((x * scale).toFloat(), (y * scale).toFloat()),
            size = Size(scale.toFloat(), scale.toFloat())
In your first code block you are setting the size of the rectangle to 1x1 pixels. In your second code block you are using the scale for the rectangle size.
Yeah, but I’m also calling
on the parent canvas 🤔
The original code block is scaling/offseting from the upper left corner. The second code block will be scaling from the center of the canvas which is the default pivot point. That may be pushing your graphics off the screen. Modifier.graphicsLayer should let you change the pivot point, I think. I'm just learning this stuff myself.🙂
I didn’t think about that. I’ll definitely take a look. Thanks for helping :)