<@UJBPFB3SN> what is the difference between these ...
# compose
@Ian Lake what is the difference between these two approaches
Copy code
data class Person(val name: String)
class PersonViewModel: ViewModel() {
    private val _itemsFlow: MutableStateFlow<List<Person>> = MutableStateFlow(emptyList())
    val itemsFlow: StateFlow<List<Person>> = _itemsFlow

    private val _itemsState: MutableState<List<Person>> = mutableStateOf(emptyList())
    val itemsState: State<List<Person>> = _itemsState

fun PersonScreen(viewmodel: PersonViewModel = viewModel()) {
    val itemsFromState: List<Person> by viewmodel.itemsState
    val itemsFromFlow: List<Person> by viewmodel.itemsFlow.collectAsState()
they are all returning
and recomposed whenever data changes
You don't have to specifically mention anyone, there's plenty of people who can answer questions in the channel (and generally, you should try to avoid pasting more than a few lines of code in your original post - try to add code as a reply to your question so that it doesn't overwhelm the channel in general)
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But to answer your question, they'll both give you ~the same behavior in your UI layer
Obviously if you are getting your data from a database repository, those usually provide a Flow, which usually means you should just stay with a Flow up through each layer
is pretty limited in terms of doing further asynchronous operations like
, and you cant easily cross the thread boundaries with different dispatchers
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has never been described as a reactive stream. If you need that behavior then
is your best option. However, you can quite easily perform suspending operations like that in a
i think the best option would be to expose a stateflow and collect it as state