# compose
https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1588253042070100 This is a 2 years old issue. I am stuck in the same. Does anyone have solution to this?
there is a stack overflow answer but it does not provide flexibility to modify or style the text https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66958260/how-to-outline-text-in-jetpack-compose
I didn't notice it was that long ago 😂
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That answer seems very flexible since you can do anything you want with that paint. What would you like to modify in the text, or what other style would you like?
Thanks @yschimke I will try with that solution
@len did you find any solution for that without using paint?
I didn't try any solution yet so I can't help you
I’d imagine that Text under the hood is using Canvas, so I guess you could always start with your own function that passes styles in. Not sure also if this is a known feature request. @Siyamed can probably comment more
yes b/187839528 b/190787898 (and also b/155421273 b/206701013) are known features that we want to implement.
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please upvote (+1) for the feature, it helps us prioritize
the original question is b/155421273
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