Having something like this: `fun someComposable(e...
# compose
Having something like this:
fun someComposable(enabled: Boolean){
var valueField by remember{
val errorInternal: Boolean = remember(enabled, valueField) {
derivedStateOf(valueField && enabled)
I need a state that depends on another state and a variable. derivedStateOf is for state only. This works but is this the correct approach?
maybe wrap that other variable in
? Putting
in a
remember { }
block seems wrong to me, though I can't really articulate why...
Like this:
fun someComposable(enabled: Boolean){
var valueField by remember{
val _enabled = rememberUpdatedState(enabled)
val errorInternal by derivedStateOf(valueField && enabled)}
Yeah, I think that would work. Alternatively, since the value you're calculating for
is fast, you probably don't need to do that at all.
is more of a cache for expensive operations that depend on state values, rather than a requirement for computations based on state values. there's nothing wrong with computing simple values directly within the composable function
ya but that value is used in the setup of another composable. Would that cause that composable to recompose ?
Yes, it should, Compose is smart about that. It's more that the State variables tell Compose when to recompose, but it still checks each @Composable function individually based on the current values (whether State or not) to know what to recompose
that’s one of the biggest confusions for me. There are cases i’m in doubt whether to use a state or a simple variable
I'd suggest starting with the assumption you want normal variables for everything, keep writing the same type of code you'd write elsewhere in the non-Compose world. You shouldn't need to drop down to Compose/State-specific APIs unless you actually find that to be causing issues (things not recomposing when you expect, performance concerns, etc.).
I would alway start with the simplest code by just computing the value directly:
Copy code
fun someComposable(enabled: Boolean){
	var valueField by remember {
	val errorInternal = valueField && enabled
Casey is exactly right that
is a caching mechanism. It has its uses for fine-tuning when things recompose, but you shouldn’t really need to do that tuning unless you have a noticeable performance reason to do so. Just like any other caching mechanisms, you have to be more careful to invalidate the cache at the right time to see a tangible benefit without having subtle state issues
And if you do end up using
from a composition directly, you definitely need to put it in a
otherwise you’re re-creating the state every time, just like if you use
without a
☝️ 1
Note that
itself seems to be quite heavy to me. Also derivedStateOf can be used outside Compose. Thinking if something can be used outside Compose is also a great criteria like:
Copy code
class Model {
    val a by mutableStateOf { 1 }
    val b by derivedStateOf { a - 3 }
States (and snapshot-related apis) are not that compose-specific. In fact I use them to manage states out of Compose.