Weird question. Is `remember { ... }` equal to `re...
# compose
Weird question. Is
remember { ... }
equal to
remember(Unit) { ... }
? Or does the
key override the implicit key derived from call order? Am I just overthinking things?
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So I guess the answer is: Yes, it's the same and yes I am overthinking it ๐Ÿ™‚
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They have the same result but
remember { ... }
is more efficient as it doesn't needlessly store
in the slot table and compare it. In both cases
can be thought of as implicitly having a key that is its position in composition (the inspiration for the the name "positional memoization"). Adding a key to
does not replace the positional key, it adds to it to form a composite key that when the composite key changes the lambda is reinvoked to produce a new value.
today i learned 1
@Chuck Jazdzewski [G] so the key inside remember is basically a primary key that is added by the compiler, if you provide an additional key yourself then it becomes composite key, something like in an SQL database?
Yes; that is the idea. The positional key is implied by the location where the
appears in the composable function call graph. Since the slot table stores a linear record of the call graph, the location in the slot table is sufficient to determine which remember is being referenced.
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Thanks for detailed answer, Chuck ๐Ÿ‘ I really appreciate it. Now it seems like my question wasn't as stupid as I thought ๐Ÿ˜