So i’m trying to animate through a range of differ...
# compose
So i’m trying to animate through a range of different colors represented as a list. I am able to use animateColor to animate between two different colors, but i’m having a hard time finding a way to animate through a list. in the xml world, i’d simply use
function. I’m not finding an equivalent in compose (at least not easily)
Seems like a job for
(says the guy who just learned animations last week and now considers himself an expert on the subject 😄 )
👆 1
Thanks @Bradleycorn
Like this:
Copy code
fun ColorAnimator() {

    var someState by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = someState)

    val color by transition.animateColor(
        transitionSpec = {
                keyframes {
                durationMillis = 4000
                Color.Red at 1000
                Color.Green at 2000
                Color.Blue at 3000
        label = "color change"
    ) { state ->
        when {
            state -> MaterialTheme.colors.primary
            else -> MaterialTheme.colors.secondary

    // Background ....
    Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {

        // A spacer with it's color animated
            modifier = Modifier
                .clickable { someState = !someState }

@mattinger -☝️ is a demo of the above code
Thanks @Bradleycorn I figured it out. Though i still get annoyed everytime i draw on a canvas with drawArc and it goes outside the bounds of the current view. I suspect it’s because of the stroke width, and it seems to be splitting the difference. If i make the canvas 96dp, and a stroke width of 4, without giving an explicit size for the arc, half the stroke is inside, and half outside the canvas.
so the parent needs some padding in order to make it look right. I changed my code a bit to accout for this with explicit sizing on the draw commands though