Hello everyone, I am working on a custom circular ...
# compose
Hello everyone, I am working on a custom circular slider on jetpack compose, and with help some resources I was able to do it at some extent. But the problem is that it starts from 3'0 Clock. I want it to start from 12'O Clock. Can someone help me with this small tweak? I have replied the code in the thread
Copy code
fun Content() {
    var radius by remember {

    var shapeCenter by remember {

    var handleCenter by remember {

    var angle by remember {

            modifier = Modifier
                    .pointerInput(Unit) {
                        detectDragGestures { change, dragAmount ->
                            handleCenter += dragAmount

                            angle = getRotationAngle(handleCenter, shapeCenter)

    ) {
        shapeCenter = center

        radius = size.minDimension / 2

        val x = (shapeCenter.x + cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * radius).toFloat()
        val y = (shapeCenter.y + sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * radius).toFloat()

        handleCenter = Offset(x, y)

        drawCircle(color = Color.Black.copy(alpha = 0.10f), style = Stroke(20f), radius = radius)
                color = Color(0xff0fa1a0),
                startAngle = 0f,
                sweepAngle = angle.toFloat(),
                useCenter = false,
                style = Stroke(20f)

        drawCircle(color = Color(0xff0fa1a0), center = handleCenter, radius = 60f)

private fun getRotationAngle(currentPosition: Offset, center: Offset): Double {
    val (dx, dy) = currentPosition - center
    val theta = atan2(dy, dx).toDouble()

    var angle = Math.toDegrees(theta)

    if (angle < 0) {
        angle += 360.0
    return angle
I tried by tweaking the startAngle = 0f to 270f, which starts at 12'O clock but only the arc seems to work not the circle
I haven't read it too deeply, but why not add 270 to the angle too when you calculating the coordinates for
yes, actually I tried that as well but unknowingly it makes code behave really bad, like no sync of circle and pointer