I want to animate the radius of all corners of a r...
# compose
I want to animate the radius of all corners of a rectangle, independently in different ranges. Moreover, I’d like this to be state-based so I can change over to a different animation at a given time. The use case is to show this on a loading screen the during the loading state, then at some point later transition to a scale animation. My first approach was to test the
as shown below which works nicely, but is not state based. I’m wondering which animation I should go with to have a
animation with
and have it be state-based? I looked into
(https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/animation#repeatable), but I still have to provide an iteration count, which I do not know beforehand. Thanks 👍
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        initialValue = 60,
        targetValue = 80,
        typeConverter = Int.Companion.VectorConverter,
        animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
            animation = tween(durationMillis = ANIMATION_TIME, easing = LinearEasing),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse
Consider using
for switching between infinite animation and state based animations:
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val animation = remember { Animatable(60, Int.VectorConverter) }
LaunchedEffects(myState) {
   if (myState == isLoading) { 
       animation.animateTo(80, infiniteRepeatable(...)) 
   } else {
       animation.animateTo(stateBasedValue, ...)
👍 2