Hello I'm currently on A.S Chipmunk Canary 6 and ...
# compose
Hello I'm currently on A.S Chipmunk Canary 6 and compose version 1.0.5. Any clues as to why the previews don't show when
is used despite creating providers as specified here ?
TIL of @PreviewParameter How'd I miss that?
Well we learn a little something about compose everyday, decided to open an issue for it on the issue tracker https://issuetracker.google.com/u/1/issues/211012768
Hmm I was not able to repro this. Can you attach the logs to the bug please since it looks like there's no error in the Preview panel?
Actually now I see it happening though at least with using Coil for image loading. I assume that is where your
call is coming from? I couldn't replicate with the simple example from the documentation.
FYI I added my logs to your bug so thanks for reporting, since I am now seeing this on
🚀 1
Thanks Chris 👌
IIRC preview functions must be public to be shown.