Why would a `Text` composable misalign its text li...
# compose
Why would a
composable misalign its text like this in some situations (seemingly, only on a Huawei P30 Pro)?
Ive already published a bug report (with the code), but fail to see how it can get fixed considering how rare it is. So I thought Id ask here!
What text are you talking about specifically. "Group 1"?
@Colton Idle The duration near the top, 11304 and 08:58!
Whoops. Didn't even see that. πŸ‘
😁 1
Try wrapping the text in a SelectionContainer to see if it has some leading whitespace
@tad Thanks for the tip, Im unable to recreate the issue on any of my devices but Ill potentially push an update just to test it. Im using
and I cant find any issues about additional whitespace being included (in the english locale) 😞
What app is this. I have like two huaweis I could try lol
@Colton Idle Oh, I appreciate that! Which devices do you have? The release is available in the beta channel currently. You can open the screen above by tapping start workout and then the check-mark in the top bar!
I will try it when I'm back at my desk. I gotta make sure I can find the huawei devices (i definitely have them... somewhere)
@Colton Idle Great! No stress πŸ™‚
Wouldn't be the first time an OEM broke the framework.
Oh, your bug report says it didn't happen in earlier versions.
Another idea; is the user in a RTL locale?
Hes using LTR, English locale. I even rewrote the formatting logic for durations, just to be sure - no difference.
Since it worked in earlier compose releases, it has to be compose related - but I have no idea what could be causing it πŸ₯²
@Colton Idle Just curious, did you embark on the quest to find two lucky Huawei phones? πŸŽ…πŸ½
Not yet. 😭 I'll look again today.
πŸ‘πŸ½ 1
@Zoltan Demant found it!
i will sign up for the beta later today and test it for you
@Colton Idle Yay, awesome! I really appreciate it, this is one of those scenarios where I wish I had access to literary every Android phone out there.
Seems fine to me?
@Colton Idle Yup, thats the way it should look! Thank you for checking, makes the other issue seem even more strange to me. Which phone was this on?
p30 lite
πŸ‘πŸ½ 1
@Colton Idle Gotcha, thanks again for testing it! Hopefully a future compose release sorts the underlying issue out, whatever it is.. πŸ™‚
yeah. very odd indeed.