AndroidViews inside a LazyColumn recompose and rec...
# compose
AndroidViews inside a LazyColumn recompose and recreates the Views as I scroll. I tried using
to save the AndroidView as follows but it’s still recreating the Views as I scroll up and down. Is there any way to make it more efficient?
Copy code
fun ViewInLazyColumn() {
    LazyColumn {
        items(100) { idx ->
            val context = LocalContext.current

            val view = remember { MyView(context, idx.toString()) }
            AndroidView(factory = { view }) } } }

class MyView(context: Context, value: String) : TextView(context) {
    init {
        // View keeps getting recreated
        println("init MyView $value") 
        text = value } }
I guess what you mean is that there is a new View created every time there is a new item became visible. yes, it is expected, we do not really reuse the items as it was done in RecyclerView, especially the ones which are implemented as Views
But why even when I scroll back to a row I already saw. Why doesn’t the
save the View
only currently visible items are kept composed, the rest are disposed. when disposed everything remembered is lost
Oh! That’s good to know.
Now I’m thinking of trying to save the Views outside LazyColumn’s scope