Do we have to do anything to enable auto-fill on t...
# compose
Do we have to do anything to enable auto-fill on text fields? I have my types setup as email and password, but my password manager doesn't prompt me with auto-fill at all, while my view based version of this screen does indeed prompt me.
Yes and it’s quite complex still. Here’s a great blog:
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major OOF. dang
I’d also try it with different autofill services to see if it is isolated to just the one you are currently using - they may be using some heuristics that (for whatever reason) aren’t picking up the composables. If it is limited to just one, I’d file a bug with Google on the issue tracker and simultaneously reach out to the password manager support line so both can investigate and figure out what’s happening.
yeah. theres def something weird going on. I will file a bug when I can pinpoint something repeatable. thanks
Better autofill support for text fields is on our roadmap I believe