Can I observe state in a state hoisting class? If ...
# compose
Can I observe state in a state hoisting class? If yes, how can I do it?
Can you give a bit more detail about what you're trying to do?
@Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] I have two SwipeableState, one vertical and one horizontal in a state hoisting class. Vertical have states -> Expanded and Closed Horizontal have states -> Collapsed and Opened When the horizontal swipeableState changes to opened and the vertical is state(expanded), I want to animate the vertical to collapsed
Use a snapshotFlow to observe the states, and then you can also do the animation from the coroutine. Not at a computer at the moment so can't give you code. But snapshotFlow is your friend here.
It worked, thanks @Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD]
I’d be curious to see how you solved your problem and to see snapshotFlow in action. Would it be possible to share what you did Daniel?
Copy code
class HomeAnimationState constructor(
    val horizontalSwipeState: SwipeableState<MenuState>,
    val verticalSwipeState: SwipeableState<CardState>,
    coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) {
    private var previousCardState = verticalSwipeState.currentValue

    val collapsedCardProgress by derivedStateOf {
        when (verticalSwipeState.progress.from) {
            CardState.Collapsed -> if (verticalSwipeState.progress.fraction == 1f) 1f
            else 1 - verticalSwipeState.progress.fraction
            CardState.Expanded -> if (verticalSwipeState.progress.fraction == 1f) 0f
            else verticalSwipeState.progress.fraction

    init {
        coroutineScope.launch {
            snapshotFlow { horizontalSwipeState.isAnimationRunning }
                .filter { it }
                .collect {

    private suspend fun transition() {
        val targetHorizontalState = horizontalSwipeState.targetValue
        val currentVerticalState = verticalSwipeState.currentValue

        when {
            targetHorizontalState == MenuState.Opened &&
                    currentVerticalState == CardState.Expanded -> {
                previousCardState = CardState.Expanded
            targetHorizontalState == MenuState.Closed &&
                    previousCardState == CardState.Expanded -> {
            targetHorizontalState == MenuState.Opened &&
                    currentVerticalState == CardState.Collapsed -> {
                previousCardState = CardState.Collapsed
@Stylianos Gakis
🙏 1