I want to remember scroll state across configurati...
# compose
I want to remember scroll state across configuration changes within a Text with modifier
. •
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
does not survive a configuration change. •
val scrollState = rememberSaveable { ScrollState(0) }
gets an exception "ScrollState@fb46372 cannot be saved using the current SaveableStateRegistry". •
val scrollState = ScrollState(0)
globally outside of any Composable works, but this is putting the scroll state outside the scope of the Composable. Is it OK to do that? Is there another way?
internally, so it certainly does save and restore its state after a config change: https://cs.android.com/androidx/platform/frameworks/support/+/androidx-main:compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/Scroll.kt;l=81
Hmmm, thanks. It did not work for me...I'll try it again with a minimal repro.
Is what you're trying to scroll also immediately available after a config change? If there's a composition with no data, then that restored scroll position is going to be reset to the max available (i.e., to the top if there's no content at all)
I have a fixed height
that I've scrolled down into. When I rotate, the text is still there and in its proper scroll position when I use the third option.
does work in a small example, but not in my app. I'll keep looking into it...
I know what it is. I use the same element in both configurations, with logic like
Copy code
if (maxWidth < 500.dp) {
} else {
So each one gets its own fresh
. (The text they display is in my app state.) To fix it, I have to hoist
. If I put it in that top-level composable then I have to pass it down through many layers of composables (not shown). That makes option 3 above (
val scrollState = ScrollState(0)
in my app state) more appealing. But is that bad practice?
Well, option 3 won't actually help with process death and recreation (i.e., what you test when you enable the 'Don't keep activties' developer option); you really do need to save it and restore it at some level
State hoisting is a natural part of Compose: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/state#state-hoisting
Thanks, I was overlooking process death (which is down there on my todo list 🙂 ). Obviously then I'll also have to save the accompanying text with
. I have the text as
text by mutableStateOf()
 in my "view model" (not actually ViewModel); so looking ahead: is
rememberSaveable(text) { text }
(at an appropriate-level composable) the way to do it so that it keeps updating the "save"?
If that text hasn't been actually persisted to disk, yep, you'll want to use
Thanks so much for the help.