Edit: Solved. We’re running into: ```java.lang.No...
# compose
Edit: Solved. We’re running into:
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method setContent(Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function0;)V in class Landroidx/compose/ui/platform/ComposeView; or its super classes (declaration of 'androidx.compose.ui.platform.ComposeView' appears in /data/app/~~80WnH7kFvYH_QJwuutqQpw==/com.ourapp.android.debug-V0ZNfKBI9LNUKhjnWxUOKg==/base.apk)
We have a
and so tried to follow the guidance here
however when I add
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to my buildSrc gradle file, I get a
Plugin request for plugin already on the classpath must not include a version
Has anyone else run into this?
Solved: we had the following in our root build.gradle. After removing, the issue was resolved. I gotta say this was really annoying, I would bet its tripped up plenty of teams with older/large codebases.
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kotlin("jvm") version Versions.kotlin_version
kotlin("android") version Versions.kotlin_version apply false