Is there any chance to write this ```style = Mate...
# compose
Is there any chance to write this
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style = MaterialTheme.typography.h1,
but have the "h1" be a variable. like val myStyle = "h1" then have
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style = MaterialTheme.typography.+myStyle
You can create an extension function yourself similar to the fromToken() in M3.
👍 3
Hm. Trying to do this for colors for example and I can't because it says my function has to be a composable?
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fun getColorFromString(color: String): Color {
  when (color) {
    "color1" -> { MyTheme.colors.color1 }
eh. I guess that's actually a different question entirely. I will use the fromToken solution for Type and try to come up with something else for color. thanks Albert
Hmm are you trying to extend MaterialTheme to have more color keys besides the ones included?
In this case I was just trying to convert from a string representation of a color (coming from a server) and converting that into a color from my theme.
I see - are the colors from the server raw hex values?
Nope. They are strings, that match in terms of names with our design system which is why it would be cool to somehow do
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You should create an extension function on
(or your custom colors class):
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fun Colors.fromToken(token: ColorKey): Color = when (token) {
    ColorKey.Primary -> primary
    ColorKey.Secondary -> secondary