I want to add spaces in text field. I’d did all wh...
# compose
I want to add spaces in text field. I’d did all what i can for achieve this, but looks like some kind of visual artifacts exists even after i ensure that offsets in
mapping correctly. I’ll add scratch in thread. Logic next When price entering then
calls and i creating
object. It contains three values integer(string, with spaces), fractional(string) and boolean describes is there comma or no. This object stores in my class, implements
. mapping of offset happens based on this object. It stores price (with spaces) and price payload. For example if
8 994,34
should be
(witout spaces). Based on this values i am calculating offset. I even simulate this in scratch file [screenshot] and all looks good. But in dynamic, when i interact with input - i see artifacts! i For example: when i try to backspace number then backspaced not the number, that i want to backspace, but backspace previous, but not always And then i understood. The problem is that offsets that i calculate is dynamic. That changes when integer length changes. Example
9 999
offset at position 2, and when i enter another digit whenever
99 989
offset now at position 3. So when i backspace digit offset positions also changes during editing. This situation can be solved?
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val entered = "7345678"
val price = "7 345 678"

fun originalToTransformed(offset: Int): Int {

    val ensureOffset = minOf(offset, entered.length)
    val entered = entered.subSequence(0, minOf(ensureOffset + 1, entered.length))
    var spacesCount = 0
    for (i in entered.indices) {
        if (entered[i] != price[i + spacesCount] && price.getOrNull(i + spacesCount + 1) != null) {
    return ensureOffset + spacesCount

fun transformedToOriginal(offset: Int): Int {
    val ensureOffset = minOf(price.length, offset)
    return offset - price.subSequence(0, ensureOffset + 1).trim()
        .sumOf { if (it == ' ') 1L else 0L }.toInt()
I will paste some code if you remind me on Monday, as I've written a currency input for Compose
I would love to see this example too @tad 🙏
I’d fixed my case, but i want too ) I fixed by reduce complexity. Before i had sealed class with values Empty, Incorrect, Price - and use it in Visual Transformations in
fun, but i should filter input in
at first. I go that way and operate with price only in Visual Transformation
@tad Can you paste your code for currency input? ^
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data class AmountInput(val rubles: Int, val pennies: Penny, val hasComma: Boolean) {

    val amount: Amount
        get() = Amount(rubles, pennies.value ?: 0)

    fun originalToTransformed(offset: Int): Int {
        val transformed = format(beautify = true)

        var count = 0
        var index = 0

        transformed.forEachIndexed { i, c ->
            if (c != SPACE) count++
            if (count == offset) {
                index = i + 1
        return if (offset > index) transformed.length else index

    fun transformedToOriginal(offset: Int): Int {
        val transformed = format(beautify = true)
        return with(transformed.substring(0, minOf(offset, transformed.length))) {
            length - count { it == SPACE }

    fun format(beautify: Boolean = false): String {
        return buildString {
            rubles.toString().apply {
                if (beautify) {
                    val mod = length % GROUP_RUBLES_BY
                    val formatted = foldRightIndexed(initial = "", { index, char, acc ->
                        "${if (index % GROUP_RUBLES_BY == mod) "$SPACE" else ""}$char$acc"
                } else {
            if (hasComma) append(COMMA)
            with(pennies) {
                if (enteredCount > 0) {
                    value?.also {
                        append(it.toString().take(enteredCount).padStart(enteredCount, ZERO))

    companion object {

        private const val SPACE = ' '
        private const val COMMA = ','
        private const val ZERO = '0'

        private const val GROUP_RUBLES_BY = 3
        private const val PENNIES_INPUT_LENGTH = 2

        fun from(value: String, rublesMaxLength: Int): AmountInput {
            return value.split(Regex("[.,]+"))
                .let { splitties ->
                    val rubles = splitties.getOrNull(0)?.take(rublesMaxLength)?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0

                    val penniesString = splitties.getOrNull(1)?.removeLeadingExcessZeroes()
                    val pennies = penniesString?.take(PENNIES_INPUT_LENGTH)
                        ?.padEnd(PENNIES_INPUT_LENGTH, ZERO)?.toIntOrNull()

                        Penny(pennies, minOf(PENNIES_INPUT_LENGTH, penniesString.orEmpty().length)),
                        hasComma = splitties.size > 1

        fun from(amount: Amount, rublesMaxLength: Int, hasComma: Boolean, enteredCount: Int): AmountInput {
            val rubles = amount.rubles.toString().takeLast(rublesMaxLength).toInt()
            return AmountInput(rubles, with(amount) { Penny(pennies, enteredCount) }, hasComma)

        private fun String.removeLeadingExcessZeroes() =
            foldIndexed("", { index, acc, c ->
                if (acc.isEmpty() && c == ZERO && getOrNull(index + 1) == ZERO) acc else "$acc$c"

    data class Penny(val value: Int?, val enteredCount: Int)
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class AmountTransformation(private val integersCount: Int) : VisualTransformation, OffsetMapping {

    private lateinit var input: AmountInput

    override fun filter(text: AnnotatedString): TransformedText {
        input = AmountInput.from(text.toString(), integersCount)
        return TransformedText(AnnotatedString(input.format(beautify = true)), this)

    override fun originalToTransformed(offset: Int): Int {
        return input.originalToTransformed(offset)

    override fun transformedToOriginal(offset: Int): Int {
        return input.transformedToOriginal(offset)
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internal fun EnterAmountTextField(
    priceIntegersCount: Int,
    amount: Amount,
    onValueChange: (Amount) -> Unit
) {
    val transformation by remember { mutableStateOf(AmountTransformation(integersCount = priceIntegersCount)) }
    var enteredCount by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    var hasComma by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

    Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
            modifier = Modifier.wrapContentWidth(),
            verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
            horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
        ) {
                AmountInput.from(amount, priceIntegersCount, hasComma, enteredCount).format(),
                onValueChange = { newValue ->
                    val input = AmountInput.from(newValue, priceIntegersCount)
                    hasComma = input.hasComma
                    enteredCount = input.pennies.enteredCount
                singleLine = true,
                modifier = Modifier.width(IntrinsicSize.Min),
                textStyle = Typography.heading0.copy(fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal),
                cursorBrush = SolidColor(Palette.Primary.Purple),
                keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default.copy(keyboardType = KeyboardType.Number),
                visualTransformation = transformation
                style = Typography.heading0.copy(fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, color = Palette.Transparent.o25)

        AnimatedVisibility(PaymentRuleTypes.isAmountInvalid(amount)) {
            Text(amount.errorText(), style = Typography.descriptionRegular.copy(color = Palette.System.Error))
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data class Amount(val value: Int) {

        rubles: Int = 0,
        pennies: Int = 0
    ) : this((rubles + pennies / kopeckInRuble) * kopeckInRuble + pennies % kopeckInRuble)

    val rubles: Int
        get() = value / kopeckInRuble

    val pennies: Int
        get() = value.absoluteValue % kopeckInRuble

    fun formatPrice(showCurrencySign: Boolean = false): String =
        "${formatPrice()}${if (showCurrencySign) " ₽" else "" }"

    fun formatPrice(): String = buildString {
        val integer = "$rubles".replace(NON_DIGIT_REGEX, DASH)
        mutableListOf<CharSequence>().apply {
            for (i in integer.length downTo 1 step DIGIT_GROUP_LENGTH) {
                add(integer.subSequence(maxOf(i - DIGIT_GROUP_LENGTH, 0), i))
        }.reversed().apply {
            forEachIndexed { index, charSequence ->
                if (index != lastIndex && charSequence != DASH) append(' ')
        if (pennies > 0) append(",$pennies")

    operator fun plus(amount: Amount): Amount = Amount(value + amount.value)

    operator fun minus(amount: Amount): Amount = Amount(value - amount.value)

    operator fun times(times: Int): Amount = Amount(value * times)

    operator fun compareTo(amount: Amount): Int = value.compareTo(amount.value)

    operator fun compareTo(amount: Int): Int = value.compareTo(amount)

    fun positive(): Boolean = value > 0

    fun negative(): Boolean = value < 0

    companion object {

        private const val kopeckInRuble = 100

        private const val DIGIT_GROUP_LENGTH = 3

        private const val DASH = "−"

        private val NON_DIGIT_REGEX by lazy { Regex("\\D") }

        val DEFAULT = Amount(-1)
        val EMPTY = Amount(0)