``` @Composable fun GetContentExample() { val ...
# compose
Copy code
fun GetContentExample() {
    val context = LocalContext.current
    var directoryUri by remember { mutableStateOf<Uri?>(null) }
    //val imageUri = mutableListOf<Uri?>()
    //val cR = context.contentResolver

    val launcher =
        rememberLauncherForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.OpenDocumentTree()) { uri: Uri? ->
            directoryUri = uri
    Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {

        Button(onClick = { launcher.launch(directoryUri) }) {
            Text(text = "Load Image")


        val documentFile = directoryUri?.let { DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, it) }
        val files = documentFile?.listFiles()

        val pathList = mutableListOf<DocumentFile>()

        files?.forEach { file ->
            if (file.type == "image/jpeg") {

        LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
            items(items = pathList) { path ->
                Text(text = path.uri.toString())
                    painter = rememberImagePainter(path.uri),
                    contentDescription = "My Image"
                Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(20.dp))
Help Text appearing but not the images. Here I'm first taking access to pictures folder then wanna show it on LazyColumn... It'll be good if you provide source I can read to know how to display, copy images from one folder to another 🙂
🧵 4
This is a Coil issue with how it handles unbounded sizes: https://github.com/coil-kt/coil/issues/953. Setting
rememberImagePainter(path.uri) { size(OriginalSize) }
should work around the issue, but keep an eye on that Github thread as there’s better solution coming soon.
Please keep code snippets and other large blocks in this channel to threads. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1614355175421600