Can someone point me at an example of infinite scr...
# compose
Can someone point me at an example of infinite scrolling a LazyColumn that doesn't use the paging library? (more of what I've tried in the thread)
found this article: but the launchedEffect didn't make sense so changed it to:
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LaunchedEffect(loadMore) {
    snapshotFlow { loadMore.value }
        .filter { it }
        .collect {
also put a breakpoint at (lastVisibleItemIndex > (totalItemsNumber - buffer)) in the infinitescrollhandler, but it only gets triggered once when you're scrolling around 🤔
I expected it to trigger multiple times as you scroll around...
I asked the same question a few weeks ago and didn’t get much traction but the pattern I shared is what I’ve been playing around with in a side project. Still very new to compose so maybe there’s a more efficient or compose-y way to do it 🤷‍♀️
Also found this article, but it only seems to load once as well...but at least the snapshotflow makes sense': blob shrug
thanks Nicholas...your way worked.
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fun DisplayTasks(
    tasks: List<ToDoTask>,
    navigateToTaskScreen: (taskId: Int) -> Unit,
    onLoadMore: () -> Unit
) {
    LazyColumn {
        itemsIndexed(tasks) { index, task ->
            if ((tasks.size - 5) == index) {
                toDoTask = task,
                navigateToTaskScreen = navigateToTaskScreen
5 is the load point from the bottom of the list. Still surprised using the lazyliststate doesn't work properly....this is the latest version of Compose 1.0.2
👍 1
next bit of fun...nav'ing back to the screen w/ the infinite scrolling loses the scroll position and starts back at the start 😞
🙃 1
Yeah I haven’t gotten there yet in my side project but that will be fun 🙃 If I figure out anything interesting with my side project I’ll be sure to let you know 👍