Hi. I'm trying to create a `Table` composable that...
# compose
Hi. I'm trying to create a
composable that displays data in rows and column of variable width/height. So far I managed to lay out the table using a `Layout`(image 1). The cells are placed properly, but not measured properly, because I gave up on trying to understand and implement intrinsic measurements. I need to add the grid to the table but if I try to use the cells to do so, the borders are not aligned since the cells are not measured properly (image 2) Is there a way to draw directly on the Layout using the same coordinates I used to place the cells?
I think I figured out how to measure it properly
@Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] I have used this layout to create a table but it places the table cells with equal widths but in my table some cells have more width than others !
@gsala could you please share your table composable implementation ?
It's definitely very hacky for now, but feel free to take a look @Waqas Tahir
Thanks @Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] I'll take a look at your implementation.