Is there any way (or heck) to modify paging (3) da...
# compose
Is there any way (or heck) to modify paging (3) data to show ui changes in compose? Like modifying certain object property from paging list when user interact with ui. Paging doesn't seems to support data modification.
I just map the PagingData into a UI model, then I keep my own ui state from ViewModel
like having a list of checked items’ ids
Can you please share some sample code? That would be very useful
Simple GitHub gist would be fine 🙂
if you use room-based paging source, you can update this item in database. then your paging flow will emit a change
Hi, I don't want to use room base paging source. I just want to use network response without database caching.
modyfing items without db is kinda hard - I suggest a simple dao with room fallback to destructive migration, if you don’t care about the tables
But inserting items in db is time consuming for lots of data, thus creating delay in ui. That's why I want to avoid it
Also, please explain in a bit about this simple dao approach
I was in your position a while ago, I also tried not to use room, but I’m pretty glad I did. time between clicking update button and seeing viewholder update is like 0.1s I guess
@solidogen will it work in case I want to always get latest data from network (and save to db only when app is running, once app is restarted, data should be fetched from network) ?
Copy code
override suspend fun initialize(): InitializeAction {
        // Require that remote REFRESH is launched on initial load and succeeds before launching
        // remote PREPEND / APPEND.
        return InitializeAction.LAUNCH_INITIAL_REFRESH
refresh = refetch all data from network
Thanks 👍 I'll use it then