Is the Type still consider Immutable/Stable for Co...
# compose
Is the Type still consider Immutable/Stable for Compose? if the class is something like this 🧵
@Immutable data class SomeClass( val someString: Char? = null val map: Map<String,Any?>?= null )
I would say no? “Any?” could be assigned a value which is mutable? Open to others suggestions.
Copy code
val immutableMap:Map<String,Any?>? = mapOf(Pair("test", mutableListOf(1)))
 (immutableMap!!["test"] as MutableList<Int>).add(2)
Above is my thinking why its not immutable. Compose would not be notified when you added the item to the mutable list.
But isn't that annotation used to force Compose to think it is immutable - promise you don't mutate it even while you can?
Yeap it is to tell compose its immutable. I guess it depends on what the question is. We can add this annotation but we run the risk that someone else then uses the type in a way which isn’t truly immutable with odd results.
My go to thread for conceptualising some of this
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