Is there any way I Can fetch the older value which...
# compose
Is there any way I Can fetch the older value which was computed by derivedStateOf? I want to return older value which was computed by derivedStateOf When there is a certain condition is true otherwise new value,
I have these State variables
Copy code
var wordsList by mutableStateOf<List<Objects>>(emptyList())
var quizStated by mutableStateOf(false)
val quizList by derivedStateOf { if(!quizStated) prepareQuiz(wordsList))  }
I want to keep the quiz list unchanged when is quizStated
What can make
change while
quizStated == true?
@Adam Powell When quiz is started, there is separate screen where points are added or minus on Database, Which triggered room query and update wordsList.
derivedStateOf will not help you for retaining an old value here. Try to avoid updating the inputs of
at all if you would like to keep it from updating
👍 1