In AnimatedVisibility the parent view get pushed u...
# compose
In AnimatedVisibility the parent view get pushed upwards when I make them visible - How do I make the child view push downwards ?
Can you share a code snippet so I can see how it's used?
Sure, give me a moment
I'm creating a sample project , so you can play with it.
👍 1
check this out, Expand Any section and then Expand any of the sub section.
Awesome. Thanks @Deepak Gahlot
Thanks for creating the repro case. That was very helpful.👍 The root cause here is that
didn't support child content size change. So in this nested
case, the inner one adds more content but the outer one didn't change its size to accommodate that. The good news is we added support for child content size change yesterday: Just verified the repro case with the fix, it's working as expected (i.e. the same final result as jump cut). The fix will be in the next release (going out next week).
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@Doris Liu I have one more query, So if you look at the code snippet below
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fun ExpandableContent(
    questions: ArrayList<ItemsItem>,
    qResponse: Response,
    visible: Boolean = true,
    initialVisibility: Boolean = false,
    questionnaireViewModel: QuestionnaireViewModel,
    topItemId: String, topItemLabel: String
) {
    val enterFadeIn = remember {
            animationSpec = TweenSpec(
                durationMillis = FADE_IN_ANIMATION_DURATION,
    val enterExpand = remember {
        expandVertically(animationSpec = tween(EXPAND_ANIMATION_DURATION))
    val exitFadeOut = remember {
            animationSpec = TweenSpec(
                durationMillis = FADE_OUT_ANIMATION_DURATION,
                easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
    val exitCollapse = remember {
        shrinkVertically(animationSpec = tween(COLLAPSE_ANIMATION_DURATION))
        visible = visible,
        initiallyVisible = initialVisibility,
        enter = enterFadeIn,
        exit = exitCollapse + exitFadeOut
//    if(visible)
        Divider(color = colorResource(id = R.color.gray9), thickness = 1.dp)
            modifier = Modifier
                .padding(top = 10.dp, start = 20.dp, end = 12.dp, bottom = 10.dp)
        ) {
            var questionnaireChildSectionFieldsTable: Table<String, String, ItemsItem> =
                HashBasedTable.create<String, String, ItemsItem>()
            for (question in questions) {
                    "ExpandableContent:  ******* " + question.qualifiedNumber
                    question = question,
                    qResponse = qResponse,
                CallQuestionTypeViews(question = question, qResponse)
I use enterExpand + enterFadeIn in the enter param of the AnimateVisibility
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val enterExpand = remember {
        expandVertically(animationSpec = tween(EXPAND_ANIMATION_DURATION))
but because i'm also using a nested expand/collapse view , the height is gives to the Card initially is correct, but then the nested component is expanded the height of thr Card remains the same.
However if i remove the enterExpand from the param of the AnimateVisibility it works fine, i.e., the card's height expands with the nested expand/collapse component
So the question i have is, Can we make the initialHeight in the expandVertically to change with the nested component
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fun expandVertically(
    expandFrom: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.Bottom,
    initialHeight: (fullHeight: Int) -> Int = { 0 },
    animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<IntSize> = spring(),
    clip: Boolean = true
): EnterTransition {
    return expandIn(
        { IntSize(it.width, initialHeight(it.height)) },
but because i'm also using a nested expand/collapse view , the height is gives to the Card initially is correct, but then the nested component is expanded the height of thr Card remains the same.
Yes, that's what the issue linked above is referring to.
has a size change animation (if expand/shrink is used). The size of the
(owned by AnimatedVisibility) is read from that size change animation, which didn't update its value once the enter transition is finished. That's why when you don't use shrink/expand, you don't hit the issue (because no size change animation is created).
So the question i have is, Can we make the initialHeight in the expandVertically to change with the nested component
If I understand the intention correctly, this request is already addressed by the fix. New behavior after the fix: once the enter transition is finished, the outter
will be snapping its size to whatever its content reports. In the case of nested AV, as the inner one expands it will continuously influence the content size of the outer one. The outer one will appear to be animating as a result. If you'd like to play with tip of tree androidx-main, I'd love to know how the new behavior works for you. 🙂
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