Shouldn’t `DrawerState` have a mutable `value`? Th...
# compose
have a mutable
? The way things are working now forces to synchronize internal drawer state with external one (i.e. view model, app state). Wouldn’t it be more idiomatic to export callbacks of user intention to change drawer state so I could update state appropriately myself? Currently it looks like this
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fun MyComposable(showDrawer: Boolean, dispatch: (Action) -> Unit) {
    val drawerState = rememberDrawerState(DrawerValue.Closed)
    LaunchedEffect(showDrawer) {
        if (showDrawer) else drawerState.close()

    // If user swipes or taps on free zone, drawerState.value will change
    LaunchedEffect(drawerState.value) {
        when (drawerState.value) {
            DrawerValue.Closed -> dispatch(CloseDrawer)
            DrawerValue.Open -> dispatch(OpenDrawer)
So the given way of synchronizing states is ok? I may add additional checks to compare external (
) and internal state (
) to avoid redundant calls to
. But is it the best practice overall in such cases?
@Vsevolod Ganin Sorry, no, you still seem to have multiple sources of truth. The problem is not with the declarative/imperative thing, but rather with the sources of truth. If the parent of
needs to control if the drawer is open or closed, they should be passing in a
instead of having it being owned by
. Your problem comes up because you did not hoist the state up out of the composable and so you have a source of truth problem.
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I don’t think I can hoist
enough. The problem is that my top state is data class (which is serializable for its reasons by the way) but
is not simple data and have connection with composition. I want my main source of truth to be as much compose-agnostic as possible. It seems that there is no choice but sync two sources of truth…
No, syncing two sources of truth is almost always the wrong solution. Instead, consider the following:
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class UiState {
  val appState: AppState = ...
  val drawerState = ...
Now you can pass down a single UI state, and still delegate to AppState as needed. Now you've avoided synchronization and have a single source of truth. You can still keep your app state somewhat detached from the state that exists to drive your UI.
👍 1
Do you mean to emit new
with new
for every new
Not if you don't want to lose the content of drawer state. It depends on how heavily you are leaning into immutable vs. how heavily you are leaning into
. Either way, you're going to need to retain some data somewhere, and you're going to need to update your data somewhere, and at some point that is likely going to involve `var`s. If your AppState is mutable, then you just create your UiState once at the top of the activity and hold on to it (including the DrawerState) or if it is immutable, then perhaps the field on UiState is a
(probably backed by
) and you update it whenever your AppState value changes. Any of these approaches are fine, it's a matter of preference on your side, but neither one requires multiple sources of truth.
Alternatively, if you are going heavily into immutable and want to create a new UiState each time, you could retain a reference to the drawer state and reuse that drawer state each time you create your UiState. It's totally up to you where you want to draw your lines between immutable and mutable data, but just be aware that DrawerState is mutable so you are going to need to retain it at some point.
Sorry, I still don’t see how
should be tied up with
. Let me describe a little example. Let’s say I have
data class AppState(val showDrawer: Boolean)
. Let’s say that my state must have that property because it affects business logic. Then there should be a place where I should write something like
if (state.showDrawer) else drawerState.close()
, right? This seems ok to me because
still dictates what should be drawn. The single source of truth is still maintained. However this breaks when
is updated from the bottom of the chain - by user who swipes the drawer! At that moment there become two sources of truth -
. If I had callback for user actions I could update
myself which then update
This seems ok to me because 
 still dictates what  should be drawn. The single source of truth is still maintained.
No, single source of truth is NOT maintained. This is evidenced by your very next sentence. If the derived state can be modified without going through your source of truth, then it is by definition not single-source-of-truth.
Let’s say I have 
data class AppState(val showDrawer: Boolean)
. Let’s say that my state must have that property because it affects business logic.
I think you are subconsciously adding a constraint in your mind, that isn't actually dictated by your user journey. If I had to guess, I think you are somehow afraid that DrawerState is a compose-specific thing, and are thus afraid to include it in your data model upstream of your business logic. But DrawerState is mostly just a simple POJO and if you really didn't want to use it for some reason, you could write your own implementation. Importantly, it contains data about the state of your application - data which your business logic apparently needs to consume. You should find a way to hoist all the relevant data up above all the down stream consumers who need to use that data.
There is a dependency on Compose library after all which is quite a burden for pure code/logic. Staying Compose agnostic helps me to isolate pure business logic which I can port to iOS app in the future, for example.
if you really didn’t want to use it for some reason, you could write your own implementation
You mean the implementation for
composable? 😄 By the way, is there any particular reason not to export callback of drawer intention to change its state? It would be very consistent with other standard composables I believe
You mean the implementation for 
No, I meant you could model the data (your source of truth) using your own data class of whatever kind you wanted), and just create an instance of
(you know, using the constructor and passing parameters) that reads and writes to your source of truth.
By the way, is there any particular reason not to export callback of drawer intention to change its state? It would be very consistent with other standard composables I believe
As a general rule of thumb, we separate the value and setter when we think it is likely people will want to override the setter, and we combine them into an object if we think there is a default operation that we believe is almost always the desired behavior. But when we do the later, we always try to provide a way for you to intercept the operation if you want to (by making the parameter an interface, or by allowing you to pass in constructor parameters to customize the behavior).
just create an instance of 
 (you know, using the constructor and passing parameters) that reads and writes to your source of truth.
Oh, I didn’t realize I could force
to drop the change! Did you mean something like
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private fun drawerState(drawerScreenState: DrawerScreenState, dispatch: Dispatch): DrawerState {
    val initialDrawerValue = if (drawerScreenState.isOpened) DrawerValue.Open else DrawerValue.Closed
    return DrawerState(initialDrawerValue) { newDrawerValue ->
        when (newDrawerValue) {
            DrawerValue.Closed -> dispatch(CloseDrawer) // This updates `drawerScreenState`
            DrawerValue.Open -> dispatch(OpenDrawer) // This updates `drawerScreenState`
        false // This tells DrawerState to reject the value
In this snippet animations will not work - it will obviously snap to state each time state changes. The second variantion that fixes it will be
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private fun drawerState(drawerScreenState: DrawerScreenState, dispatch: Dispatch): DrawerState {
    val drawerValue = if (drawerScreenState.isOpened) DrawerValue.Open else DrawerValue.Closed
    return rememberDrawerState(drawerValue) { newDrawerValue ->
        when (newDrawerValue) {
            DrawerValue.Closed -> dispatch(CloseDrawer)
            DrawerValue.Open -> dispatch(OpenDrawer)
    }.apply {
        rememberCoroutineScope().launch {
            when (drawerValue) {
                DrawerValue.Closed -> close()
                DrawerValue.Open -> open()
Is that what you had in mind?
No, I think you are getting yourself confused by trying to incorporate
and you are still getting source of truth problems. This is why I hate all the
APIs, they send people down the wrong path and then people don't know how to dig themselves back out. Maybe @Adam Powell will have ideas how to better phrase this, because I think he is always good at coming up with ways to describe things in understandable ways. In your data model, perhaps you have something like:
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class MyApplicationState {
  var isDrawerOpen = false
And in your composable:
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val drawerState = DrawerState(applicationState.isDrawerOpen, {applicationState.requestDrawerOpen(it); return false;})
Definitely don't
in a
function body. 🙂
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Yeah, that too.
re. the
APIs, yeah they're on that dodgy edge of Android's old
problem: a shortcut API that elides some boilerplate but has a shape that invites trying to use it long after your use case has outgrown it. We had a lot of debate over them and a general rule of thumb that everything they do must be implemented as public API so that someone may construct and aggregate the resulting state object together with others outside of composition.
if I'm reading the rest of the thread right, I see two challenges: one, aggregating drawer state into a wider hoisted state object, and two, compressing the drawer state into a boolean true/false value
that compression is lossy so long as you support any form of animation, and crossing a lossy state compression boundary always gets tricky. It's not always insurmountable, but you need to decide which side of that abstraction boundary knows what, and be consistent in both directions: state flowing down the composition and events flowing back up.
object has full fidelity state; not just "open" or "closed" but the exact position of how open or closed, record of current animation or mutation in progress, etc.
val drawerState = DrawerState(applicationState.isDrawerOpen, {applicationState.requestDrawerOpen(it); return false;})
This is equivalent to my first snippet (the one above “rememberCoroutineScope().launch” snippet), isn’t it? As I said, the animations will not work because the state will be new every time. What I want is to animate every change in hoisted state.
Definitely don’t 
 in a 
 function body.
Lol, that was silly. I changed it to
, thanks. Do you think the second snippet still has multiple sources of truth problem because of animation state inside
? That is probably what I want: compressed state in business logic and full fidelity state in UI which get synchronized only in one direction (from top to bottom, from state to UI). Effectively it’s implicit
which Jim proposed earlier in thread.