Has anyone had issues with `ComponentActivity.setC...
# compose
Has anyone had issues with
after updating to alpha12? on alpha11, something like this worked fine
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someFrameLayout.setContent(Recomposer.current()) {
            CommonMdcTheme {
After updating to alpha 12, it complains about receiver mismatch. I’ve tried both deprecated method from
and new method
You're invoking setContent with a ViewGroup as receiver, this extension has been removed
I didn’t see that they removed it in the changes notes. Thanks!
It is a bit hidden -
was replaced with `ComposeView`: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/frameworks/support/+/1497121
So you'd use:
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val view = ComposeView(context)
view.setContent {
  CommonMdcTheme {
    // ...
Yeah that makes sense, so weird though I just double checked and it was working on my build with alpha11. Maybe something to do with AS caching 🤷
Yeah, you're not the only one that was hit with a lot of API churn in alpha12. With beta (and API stability) around the corner, this will be a growing pain of the past soon enough 🙂
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I’ve encountered another snag, most likely some weird thing I’m doing but I’ll post here just in case.
NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState.setValue(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
This happens after calling
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class Activity {

fun onCreate() {
        val rootView: FrameLayout = findViewById(R.id.rootView)
        val composeView = ComposeView(context = this)
        Timber.d("Activity: setting view: $view")
        view.setContent {
            CommonMdcTheme {
From debugging, it hits
and the error is thrown in
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internal fun ViewGroup.setContent(
    parent: CompositionContext,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
): Composition
Specifically when it calls
AndroidComposeView(context).also { addView(it.view, DefaultLayoutParams)
and the context is from my Activity.
Probably best to file an issue with a sample project, since that code doesn't compile or have the relevant bits needed to figure out what is going on
I'd just make sure you're using the right base class -
or one of its subclasses - and using the latest version of those dependencies
Will do 👍
Does beta coming out mean we will not see breaking changes?
@Ky did you ever figure out your issue? By chance do you use buildSrc and/or build.gradle.kts?
Ian, I'm hitting the same issue but my project is upgrading from alpha09 to beta01. This project is really a really huge existing project, BUT I was able to make it work in compose in alpha09 displaying a demo "Hello World" Text composable in a fragment. After updating to beta01 this fragment now crashes at runtime with the same stack trace as above
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NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState.setValue(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
I went through and made sure all of my deps are updated as well as my fragment and activity deps. They look fine, but I still get a crash in my fragment. For the heck of it, I changed my Activity to instead setContent { Text("hellow world") } and it worked! This leads me to believe something with fragments isn't working correctly. It builds and install, but crashes at runtime. Any ideas?
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File a bug against Jetpack Compose, just like what was recommended above
@Ian Lake 👍 I would have done so already but I can't reproduce in a new project, only happens in this existing project.
Well, you can either try adding more stuff to your sample project until it starts crashing or keep removing stuff from your existing project to see when the crash goes away.
I'd just make sure your non-Compose dependencies are the same first - use Fragment 1.3.0, AppCompat 1.3.0-beta01, etc.
Yep will try this morning. Just way curious if an activity with compose working, but not a fragment rang any bells for you. Thanks Ian
I'll start there. Thanks
For anyone else following along. I went through and audited all of my deps. The only one that was out of date was appcompat. Updated to the latest, but I still get the same issue. I'm going to continue pulling things apart, but let me know if anyone makes some progress.
Alright, spent most of the day unfortunately debugging and I wasn't able to get to a minimal repro project but I filed this bug just in case anyone wants to star it https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/181463117
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@Colton Idle Thanks for filing that bug, I never resolved my issue so i’ve starred your report. My case actually happened in a fragment and I did not use data binding. I’ll be following your bug report
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