Quick question: does Compose require the IR backen...
# compose
Quick question: does Compose require the IR backend? I see this in the docs:
Copy code
freeCompilerArgs += ["-Xallow-jvm-ir-dependencies"]
but that does not look exactly like the use-IR flag we see elsewhere.
Yes, Compose still requires the IR backend. The binaries produced by the IR backend are also considered stable by default now, so perhaps time we start removing
from the documentation too.
Okay, thank you for the reply. I cannot move to 1.4.30 until this guy is fixed, if using IR and since I use Compose now, I need IR. Thanks again. I am watching… 🙂
I thought in 1.4.30 the IR backend was not enabled by default, but rather it’s guaranteed to generate stable binaries, which means the extra flags to consume libraries that were built with it are no longer necessary. If you’re not using Compose, you still have to have
useIR = true
to compile your own modules with the new backend.
Err, yeah, you're right. I'm playing with futuristic Kotlin builds and getting ahead of myself.
glad to see the future is so bright :P