# compose
https://developer.android.com/dev-summit/schedule/day1 11:20 -12:00 on October 23 What's New in Jetpack Compose Adam Powell, Clara Bayarri, Romain Guy Jetpack Compose was announced at Google I/O and the team has been hard at work ever since. This talk introduces Compose to new audiences, including what the project is and how it is taking shape. The talk also updates people who already know about Jetpack Compose, including how the project has evolved. ~ So excited I am not sure I can sleep the night before πŸŽ„ ... camping out to be first in line ... LOL
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Oh hey I think I know some of those people πŸ˜„
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October 23, 1340 1445 Jetpack Compose Codelab & October 24, 930 1040 Jetpack Compose Codelab Is there any chance/way to get access to the Compose Codelab before the event??? I can't find them online ...
Probably because they aren't fully written yet 😁
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@Ash they usually update the codelabs after they did them during those events πŸ™‚
They use the event as an announcement platform for codelabs
Exciting though, can’t wait to see the streamings
It's awesome that being "pre-alpha" it has a CodelabπŸŽ‰! This is huge for me as I am working on a book on Declarative Mobile Development covering Jetpack Compose & SwiftUI. πŸ€ͺ
it’s now in
, not pre-alpha anymore πŸ˜„
True ... I meant "not fully ready for public consumption" and we have a Codelab !!!! 😱 Super excited to see it πŸ€”
πŸ˜› but yes, think of this as developing everything together - it'd be a shame if we got through our whole design process and realized no one can learn our system, so we're (the broad 'we') working in parallel on those materials as well
So exciting ... Thank you for including us in the development process!πŸ‘πŸ½ I am working on a production app with Compose and Kotlin Flow. I hope to release it to the Play Store the same day you release Jetpack Compose. πŸŽ‰ Wondering if the Codelab starts with building the special version of Android Studio πŸ€”
Fortunately one does not need to build the special version of studio yourself - you can actually use it now via the setup instructions for developing Compose itself, but it's not currently set up to be used for app dev easily (it just launches the Compose project), which is what the previous notes about the special version have been about
Glad that you're excited BTW, just remember that we haven't announced any dates yet and might change APIs πŸ™‚ but if you're happy with that uncertainty, we're happy to get feedback
Are you happy to receive feedback only if we’re happy? 🧌
Haha...feedback on pain points is probably more useful, but feedback on what works well is always great too πŸ˜›
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Session:: Understanding Compose. October 24, 2019 1600 1640 https://developer.android.com/dev-summit/schedule/day2 I would love to hear about how Jetpack Compose integrates into the other Android Arch Components. What it changes and what it might replace ...
What do you mean by
For instance, you wouldn't need DataBinding in pure-Compose UI - since your UI is in code, you can just set things directly.
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There are some interesting implications around the ViewModel/LiveData patterns that
offers some alternative options for, I was going to touch on some of this in the what's new talk
We've also been having some fun discussions with the Paging library folks
Navigation encodes a lot of high level policy around app navigation that will layer in nicely
Working with SwiftUI / Combine Framework is making me think about Android Jetpack ... Wondering if for Android: XML / ConstraintLib / RecyclerView / PagingLib are replaced with a composable and ModelView is abstracted away with simpler data binding ... Navigation is just one line of Kotlin ... right now I am working on a production app in SwiftUI & JetPack Compose, Flow with Fragments is 🀯 but fun πŸŽ‰ Super excited to hear the talks!