I’d love to see some monthly summaries on medium w...
# compose
I’d love to see some monthly summaries on medium what’s happening on compose and what are the approaches / directions, compose is taking
👍 29
this is just speculation but I believe so many things moving and changing in the codebase that atm it is no benefit creating these summaries. Reading wouldn't make sense either. They would become false instantly so avoiding the false information to spread might be the best 🙂
quality work requires time and right now we just have to wait and be patient 😉
What kinds of things would you be interested in seeing for something like this? Hot topics among the team recently have been API design and API usability study results, multithreading behavior, styling, state management patterns...
API design, API usability, styling and state management patterns are in my most important interest personally.
@Adam Powell just anything that changed since the last month. Something that your team personally find cool to share with the community and maybe get a feedback about.
I'll see with the team what we might be able to format and summarize like this
👍 17
I would like to know more about styling