We also shouldn’t implement a generic JsonSemigrou...
# helios
We also shouldn’t implement a generic JsonSemigroup because how would you combine a JsDecimal(“1.33”) with a JsString(“abc”)?
I suppose in that case the JsString Semigroup would prevail but to simplify this I would say to match that both Json are the same type of Json, if not we don't combine anything
What happens in the case when the two Json subtypes are not the same? Which one should we return?
The original one
but we can combine all the JsonNumber subtypes at least
My problem with that one is that it doesn’t really make sense to add two JsNumbers together.
Why not subtract them? It’s a bit weird.
Cannot really see the use-case for it.
the interface is ok, i guess, for the merge.
but the implementation should be done by the user of the library.
as it’s really specific to the use-case.
realize that we are defining the default monoids so obviously the user can define and use their owns but the default ones should always sum the values
sure! as you’d like. I will come back with a commit.
what should we do btw with JsNull?
the companion function generator won’t work.
fun JsNull.monoid(): Monoid<JsNull> = TODO()
doesn't show any error to me