Stupid question. `./gradlew local` works perfect,...
# kotless
Stupid question.
./gradlew local
works perfect, but i launches a new docker instance every time. How can I deploy something locally again without new docker instances?
Hm, it launches docker only for AWS emulation -- have you enabled it?
Yes and it works. But it spins up new instances every time I run ./gradlew local
Ideally it would see that it has already spun it the image and just recompile and deploy locally. Or did I use the incorrect command?
Still figuring out how to create dev/prd envs but it works GREAT for the rest!
Hm, does previous docker image stops before new spins up? I have to restart due to possible configuration changes 😞
Why is it problem for you that is spins up each time? Does it take too much time? Or is it takes too much storage?
I mean that depending on a problem I can fix it in one way or another 🙂
Everything was going really slow locally, I saw that I had 20+ instances running. mmh I was doing terraform changes indeed.
it’s not really a blocker, Im still figuring out a development flow. I read that it has in-ide debugging. But I dont see how to make it work. I would LOVE breakpoints 😛 Attaching to runnnig processes isnt working.
Hm, have you tried just running with debug task
Thanks for the video. Yes I am using the local task. Strange, the webserver works. But breakpoints are not being triggered. Any idea in what direction I should look? Im not experience with how the connection is made.
Well, it is pretty strange. I would try to update or reinstall IntelliJ. Most likely the problem is one the side of IDE
Here is issue: It'll be fixed in 0.1.6
@TanVD Thanks man!!