Hi all. I know that Klint is for style & forma...
# ktlint
Hi all. I know that Klint is for style & formatting but since you can access PSI elements, I am wondering is it possible to write a rule which would fail if not certain class is extended. Would it be possible to do that in Ktlint?
i don’t think ktlint is the best tool for this because it wouldn’t be easy to tell, for example, if class A : B and class B : C since it mostly has access to the names and types of the elements. i’m not sure if maybe detekt is a better tool? i’ve never actually used it myself
Thanks for the response @Sha Sha Chu. I would agree with you. Ktlint is a tool for different purpose. Mostly, I am interested only into super type, I guess I can just match classes node
using regex to find whether it extends the right type. Don't want include another dependency just for that.
yes, that would work it just wouldn’t be extremely robust.