I submitted a bug report in the GitHub repo (<http...
# ktlint
I submitted a bug report in the GitHub repo (https://github.com/pinterest/ktlint/issues/729), but in a more general context, is there any timeline for at the very least Kotlin 1.4 syntax support?
Why do you consider it a bug if 1.4 is still in review? It would be bug in case of 1.4 reaching stable, but now - it is just good to have and redundant pressure on maintainers from your side.
I did so to bring attention to it and because I don't see any alphas or anything similar that lets me know it's being worked on. And it's better to get the support in for it now while in EAP before it's GA
Also why I didn't mention anything about timeframe in the GitHub issue itself and why I came here to inquire about it instead
It might be just an impression, but when someone writes 'any timeline to support at the very least 1.4. support' it feels like a pressure, especially knowing the fact that ktlint is an opensource project, not a commercial one 😉
Didn't mean for it to come off like that, just general curiosity so I can plan for my own project 🙂
👌 1
generally there’s not too much of a lag after releasing new kotlin versions, but with major versions it could take a bit longer. i don’t have a specific timeline for you, though
Sure, sounds good, thank you @Sha Sha Chu