Invalidate Caches & Restart didn't do the tric...
# kvision
Invalidate Caches & Restart didn't do the trick.
Does the project build fine from gradle command line?
No - it fails with
Copy code
> Task :compileKotlinJs FAILED
e: C:\data\master\isis\incubator\clients\kroviz\src\main\kotlin\org\apache\isis\client\kroviz\ui\kv\RoTabPanel.kt: (36, 19): Unresolved reference: getChildComponent
e: C:\data\master\isis\incubator\clients\kroviz\src\main\kotlin\org\apache\isis\client\kroviz\ui\kv\RoView.kt: (42, 32): Unresolved reference: getChildComponent
e: C:\data\master\isis\incubator\clients\kroviz\src\main\kotlin\org\apache\isis\client\kroviz\ui\kv\RoView.kt: (67, 32): Unresolved reference: getChildComponent
e: C:\data\master\isis\incubator\clients\kroviz\src\main\kotlin\org\apache\isis\client\kroviz\ui\kv\RoWindow.kt: (390, 14): 'focus' hides member of supertype 'SimplePanel' and needs 'override' modifier
(Hi Robert - long time no read)
The command line failures are fair, since I'm trying a major upgrade.
I'll try that
(Hi 🙂) Anyway it should work fine in IntelliJ. Have you tried importing it from scratch? (remove
folder and open it again)
👍 1
No - not yet - next on my list. THX
That was it! Thanks again!
Actually I had to recursively remove *.iml files as well, as described in
I've always wondered why some projects contain those
files, while most projects don't.