Having some trouble with Tabulator and kvision 4.1...
# kvision
Having some trouble with Tabulator and kvision 4.1.1. Using Tabulator with a ObservableList (backend is ktor). With 4.1.1 the Tabulator rows are created but empty, header is visible. Going back to 4.0.0 solves this issue. (kotlin.js.compiler=ir)
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val tab_options = TabulatorOptions(
        layout = Layout.FITCOLUMNS,
        columns = listOf(
tabulator(Model.cov_List, options = tab_options)
There should be no difference between 4.1.1 and 4.0.0 with IR
Could you give more details?
It's a very basic fullstack project based on fullstack-ktor. Client side
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suspend fun aktuelleFälle(bezirk: String) {
    val newCases = caseService.aktuelleFälle()
Transfer between server and client side and syncing works. The data is in the ObservableList. The Tabulator rows get even created, but are empty (no text). Changing back to 4.0.0 in gradle.properties fixes the problem.
What type of data is in the list?
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data class Cov_GKZ(
    val Bezirk: String,
    val GKZ: Int,
    val AnzEin: Int,
    val Anzahl: Int,
    val AnzTot: Int,
    val Anz7Tage: Int,
    val Inz7Tage: Int
I think I know ...
On IR you need to annotate your data class with
It could work with 4.0.0, because 4.0.0 has a bug 🙂
Let me know if adding
fixes the problem.
Oh, thanks a lot.
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data class Cov_GKZ(
    val Bezirk: String,
    val GKZ: Int,
    val AnzEin: Int,
    val Anzahl: Int,
    val AnzTot: Int,
    val Anz7Tage: Int,
    val Inz7Tage: Int
Doesn't solve the issue for me.
It works for me. How do you define your columns?
I run this code:
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data class Cov_GKZ(
    val Bezirk: String,
    val GKZ: Int,
    val AnzEin: Int,
    val Anzahl: Int,
    val AnzTot: Int,
    val Anz7Tage: Int,
    val Inz7Tage: Int

val list = observableListOf(Cov_GKZ("a", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Cov_GKZ("b", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
// ...
        root("kvapp") {
            val tab_options = TabulatorOptions(
                layout = Layout.FITCOLUMNS,
                columns = listOf(ColumnDefinition("A", Cov_GKZ::Bezirk.name), ColumnDefinition("B", Cov_GKZ::GKZ.name))
            tabulator(list, options = tab_options)
And I see the data in both columns I defined.
Are you absolutely sure you get the right data from your backend? Have you tried just adding some records manually to your list?
4.1.1 upgraded Ktor to 1.5.2 - perhaps there is some problem in this?
Thanks a lot 👏, problem is fixed. The problem was a mismatch between the data and the ColumnDefinition. Interestingly 4.0.0 was fault tolerant in this case.