I have released KVision 4.0.0 - <https://kvision.i...
# kvision
I have released KVision 4.0.0 - https://kvision.io This is a major upgrade bringing a few breaking changes. Highlights of this release: - New maven coordinates with
group identifier and publication on Maven Central. - New package names (
). - Update to Kotlin 1.4.30 with IR backend enabled by default in all templates and examples. - Upgraded dependencies (Serialization 1.1.0-RC, Ktor 1.5.1, Javalin 3.13.3, Vert.x 4.0.2, Micronaut 2.3.2, Dokka 1.4.20, Gradle 6.8.1, Bootstrap 4.6.0, NPM Publish 1.1.1) - Support bidirectional data binding for all form components. - Support for custom serializers module in the
component. - Major performance optimizations. - Removed deprecated code. - A lot of bugfixes and other improvements. See the changelog for more information: https://github.com/rjaros/kvision/releases/tag/4.0.0 As always any feedback is welcomed 🙂 Slack Conversation
🎉 4
Hi Robert, did an upgrade just some minutes ago. Everything worked just finde. Renamed the dependencies, removed the now unnecessary repositories and renamed the imports.
Everything is up and running without any issues!
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