Tried to update to 0.10 yesterday but it failed so...
# refreshversions
Tried to update to 0.10 yesterday but it failed so sticking to 0.9. anyone else having issues with 0.10?
Hello @Jon Miller , I'll need more details to help. "Failed" could mean anything, I think you realize that.
Also, I'll need to know how/what you tried.
Yeah, i just had a big release at work and was updating some libraries and that failed. So just skipped passed it. Im in the waiting room at the doctor's office at the moment so catching up on slack...I think it was a maven issue with a repo that requires password but I'll see if I can get more details later.
I ended up going from kotlin dsl to groovy and removing buildSrc to help remove some instability between multiple dev local machines and overzealous cyber software. I was able to update to 0.10.0 no problem. Love the versionFor...great for proto project where we had to manually enter protoc version.
Glad the update went well and that you're benefitting from versionFor, a last minute addition!