I have discovered this website <https://libraries....
# refreshversions
I have discovered this website https://libraries.io/ You can search for a dependency and see immediatly its latest release For example https://libraries.io/maven/com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp It provides an API https://libraries.io/api That could make the experimental update much faster! What do you think @louiscad ?
I wouldn't, it doesn't seem to index everything; it doesn't see one of my projects that's published to both maven central and jcenter, for example
Good to know. Worth investigating if that makes sense to first use the versions available here and then fallback to use Gradle to resolve the dependency like now if nothing is found
We need to ensure it's reliable, or that we can disable it easily since it's a third-party service.
It seems to treat alpha versions as newer than RC versions… doesn't make me want to rely on it when such a basic feature is messed up.