Any references/guidances when to define States or ...
# orbit-mvi
Any references/guidances when to define States or SideEffect for this usecase? 1. Initial State 2. Get User 3. Upload Photo Profile 4. Update User Profile 5. Get User (to update preferences) This is our current implementation in 🧵
Hi @miqbaldc, what are you asking exactly? Do you want help with the definition of your model?
Our team still struggle when to define a States or Effect for no. 5 in the above thread as in no. 5, we only show a Bottom Dialog and close the screen (internally we store it to a local data/shared preferences)
we assume: 1. show bottom dialog - side effect 2. get user and update local data (before finishing the screen/activity) - also side effect
Can't you just post 2 side effects?
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