Hi, if you have a button that triggers a navigatio...
# orbit-mvi
Hi, if you have a button that triggers a navigation event, is it worth passing through the VM?
yes if you want to unit test it
Also can be a good place for later adding analytics
☝️ 2
I sometimes do and sometimes don't depending on the importance of the click. But haven't been able to settle on a hard rule for this. Do you guys enforce it in your team?
My current team doesn’t use orbit for technical reasons. Epic sad face.
Even without using Orbit, you must be using a ViewModel or a presenter? I guess the question is, for simple navigation events triggered by user interaction, do you go through the presentation layer?
But yeah epic sad face 😂
Yeah we use presenters and I would go through the presenter always - to be consistent in testing the outcomes
👍 1