Is there any way to run intents multiple times in ...
# orbit-mvi
Is there any way to run intents multiple times in debug mode to verify that they don't have side effects (aka idempotent) like you can do with redux reducers or Mavericks?
I suggest just unit testing them, if they produce side effects that are not declared in the assertion it should fail the test.
Then all the unit tests would have to do the run twice check probably. Mostly curious whether it's possible since it seems to be a common thing checked for in redux/MVI frameworks...
I am curious - why twice?
I’m guessing by side effects you do not mean the ones you send to the view?
I think they check that reducers are "pure"
So this isn't running the intent handler twice but reduce {} is done twice in debug mode.
I see, makes sense. We don’t currently have this, but we’ll consider building something like this in
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you can always wrap a unit test in
repeat(5) { … }
in the meantime 😅
unless this relies on having the same container for both reductions
also, I wonder if the idempotency check done by mavericks isn’t a fairly weak test anyway, as the reduction might appear idempotent for some input states, but not for others 🤔
I think it requires the container so that's why it's a runtime check vs. a unit test rule.
unit tests run on the container as well
well - in a way
True..hmm... Not sure why it couldn't be implemented as a unit test rule then 🤔
testing using real world use cases and data might be one reason
but this can be done in tests using fixtures
Or if people forget to do tests...
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