Btw, any update on this: <
# orbit-mvi
Btw, any update on this: (it’s in progress, good news 🙂 )
Getting there! There’s a sample project I’ve setup at Mainly I need to write up documentation and tidy up some of the loose ends. It’s early days and the gradle plugin we’ve created to generate Swift interoperability at the moment forces you to use Swift UI and Combine. So if that’s your jam then you’re all good. Oh and you are forced to use Cocoapods for the project too. This is alpha quality at the moment.
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Swift UI Combine Cocopods
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gonna give it a look 🙂
If you have a better way to do programmatic navigation with Swift UI I’d love to know. Can’t help but feel Swift UI feels a little too rough around the edges.
I gave a “fast-forward” read through your sample and man….. this is the deal! 🎖️I’ll put this in practice ASAP and share feedback.
regarding Swift UI navigation, my fellow @Charles Prado can help (my background is Android) 🙂
@appmattus curiosity: sharedOrbitSwift.podspec is created by hand or by the gradle plugin?
By the plugin. At the moment you have to call the orbitPodspec task by hand for it to create it though as I’ve not got the build lifecycle right
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Quick feedback, using it in a small KMM POC, so far so good 0 problems. Finishing Android UI before moving to iOS
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Love the way I have MVVM+ plus FSM shared 🤘 this is the way to go!
(once finished i’ll share it with you guys)