<@UPWE6PJCE> as I understand it, a new Thread/Sche...
# orbit-mvi
@Mikolaj Leszczynski as I understand it, a new Thread/Scheduler is created for every Container https://github.com/babylonhealth/orbit-mvi/blob/e9c071487167ce21114a260514d2482b727be52f/orbit/src/main/java/com/babylon/orbit/BaseOrbitContainer.kt#L133 . shouldn’t the scheduler be shutdown when disposing ?
Good spot, I think we should be doing that!
the executor should be shut down
is it worth a PR from my side or you’ll do it ?
You're welcome to submit a PR to fix this in the immediate term but I think we should also look at alternatives. It would be better to not have to explicitly close the executor but for it to dispose along with the stream disposal.
That could be hard to orchestrate, so best fix this for now 😉
I don’t get how the versioning system works in orbit “Increase the version numbers in any examples files and the README to the new version that this Pull Request would represent. The versioning scheme we use is SemVer.”
don’t worry about versioning, it’s handled when you do a github release
the contributing.md was saying I should 🙂