overloadable inverse operator? ``` val i = 2 -i //...
# language-evolution
overloadable inverse operator?
Copy code
val i = 2
-i // -2
~i // 0.5

val M = Matrix.ofRows(vectorOf(4, 7), vectorOf(2, 6))
// [ 4 7
//   2 6 ]
// [ -4 -7
//   -2 -6 ]
// [  0.6 -0.7
//   -0.2  0.4 ]
👍 1
is still free!
Or you can use
1 /
Yeah, but both operators I suggested exist in Kotlin and I like them a lot
In math
does actually mean inverse, too
doesn't exist in Kotlin yet?
It doesn't, hence why I think it could
At the same time I think it'd be cool to have an overload able ~= which would mean "about equal to", but that would conflict with the obvious inverseAssign of my higher priority wish
Haha that would be great for matlab users where
is our
Yeah, some languages like Matlab and lua use ~ as not where python uses it as inverse
Let’s take a look at what we already have.
a - b
is subtraction and
is an additive inverse. Following this logic, because
a / b
denotes division, then multiplicative inverse should be denoted as
operator unaryDiv
🤔 1
👍 2
that's a fantastic suggestion as well
have there ever been any plans for using
in kotlin?
@Hullaballoonatic probably not, for the same reasons that
were excluded; they'd prefer to keep bitwise operators as words to improve clarity. If you could (re-)define them yourself, I'd bet over 50% of Kotlin codebases would re-introduce these as the bitwise operators. Regardless of my feelsings on this, I don't think JetBrains wants that