Hey all, I’m trying to test locally an extension o...
# graphql-kotlin
Hey all, I’m trying to test locally an extension on a type that is owned by another service. In my local playground I’m trying to use this query to be able to test the local extension
Copy code
query {
  _entities(representations: [{ __typename: Place, id: "some-id" }]) {
    ... on Place {
      people {
however this responds with a
"Unable to resolve federated type, representation={__typename=Store, id=kl;fdjas}"
error. Am I going about this the right way? Is there a way to test locally extensions on a type without somehow spinning up an Apollo server with the other services?
yes you should be able to send those queries (
query would be sent the federated gateway) sounds like an issue with the representation array?
forgot to add the resolver to schema generation hooks… 🤦