Hey all, I have a question regarding Graphql versi...
# graphql-kotlin
Hey all, I have a question regarding Graphql versioning for fields. Does the library support this? Is there something that already exists that should be used instead?
👀 1
graphql does not support versioning
😞 1
whole point is that you can introduce new fields without breaking existing clients
@Dariusz Kuc and @Shane Myrick I see. However, in my case I need to change a field from non null to nullable. I guess following your teams suggestion I would have to have something like
Copy code
@Deprecated("use  username_<something>")
val username: String
val username_<something>: String?
to effectively replace the username field? kinda annoying for clients as there could be multiple fields all meaning the same thing.
@Jared Rieger well graphql is exposed via HTTP POST endpoint, so nothing stops you from introducing
Basically employing rest api versioning strategy for the entire graph
offt yeah that doesn't sound like fun. Would it be better to rather have separate view models for different clients rather than one large super model?
I would actually not have separate models. If the username might be null then all clients need to handle that so they should all use the same field. If there is a reason or use case when the username field is never null and different times when it is you can make that a different type to make it more clear. I would avoid doing separate http endpoints unless you are truly exposing a different schema, in which case maybe it should be it's own service
You could view the deprecated field usage if you used a schema registry to track down the remaining clients over time