Hi! Does the graphql client run on kotlin js? We'r...
# graphql-kotlin
Hi! Does the graphql client run on kotlin js? We're thinking of using it in a Kotlin React frontend.
I guess not... there seems to be java dependencies in the GraphqlKtorClient... even though potentially it might have been possible since Ktor is multiplatform.
Currently it is JVM only with hard Jackson dependency
I'm in a process of updating it to allow use of kotlinx serialization which could then allow us to publish it as multiplatform
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What do you currently do for frontend js requests?
JS has number of options but we use Apollo
With Kotlin JS?
We dont use Kotlin JS
Also, I found the issue in the repo about Micronaut support, but it seems things changed a bit... would it be hard to integrate it?
Apollo Android does codegen for kotlin JS if you don't mind sending over http by yourself.
Please raise an issue - as for the "official" server support I'm not sure if we'll support it
With the recent refactoring it should be rather simple creating different servers (as shown in ktor example)
We currently have a bunch of Microservices running on Micronaut, and we can't easily switch frameworks... and using graphql-java alone (that has support in Micronaut), is SO much harder! Is the setup much different than this: https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/issues/506#issuecomment-563272178
I tried it but it seems like the GraphQLContextBuilder doesn't seem to exist... and it pulls tons of spring deps that I'm not sure I need...
@mbonnin Thanks! I'll take a look.
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Since we updated a lot since then I'd assume a lot of things changed - havent tried it recently
Take a look at new graphql server package that provides the abstraction - it should not have any spring dependencies
*in 4.0.0 versions
Thanks, I'll take a look.