Hi. I’m trying to add a conversion from Set<*&g...
# graphql-kotlin
Hi. I’m trying to add a conversion from Set<*> to a GraphQLList. I know it is not inherently supported in GQL but the backing data is read-only and has already been implemented using sets. For simplicity lets say we have:
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data class TestClass(
   val content: Set<String>
to remedy this, I’ve added a Hook with the following SchemaGeneratorHooks#willGenerateGrpahQLType method:
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override fun willGenerateGraphQLType(type: KType): GraphQLType? = when {
    type.isSubtypeOf(typeOf<Set<*>?>()) -> {
        type.arguments.first().type?.let { kType ->
            val typeRef = (kType.classifier as KClass<*>)
    else -> null
this works when creating a query that returns TestClass or List<TestClass>. However, when creating a Query that returns a Set<TestClass> it fails as the TestClass reference has not yet been created. From what I could gather, this method should just create the reference to
and the generator should generate the class in “due-time” which should lead to Set<TestClass> resolving as a GQLList<TestClass> in the playground, or am I missing something?
I’ve also had a look at: https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/pull/593, and https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/pull/585, but from what I can see the
method is no longer open as indicated by the comments, and PR
gql reference is a pointer to actual gql implementation
so if you create a query that returns that set -> does anything (in your schema) actually reference the actual
i.e. is your reference pointing to non-existent type?
Ye, scratch those 🤔 Short answer; ye I guess I am referencing a non-existent type as I’m hooking into its creation process and interrupting its creation by creating the List ref instead. So how could I do that in a bottom-up approach, rather than a top-down way?
I guess this is also part of what I’m curious about (from the GraphQLTypeReference):
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 * A special type to allow a object/interface types to reference itself. It's replaced with the real type
 * object when the schema is built.
I initially assumed that the GraphQLTypeReference.typeRef(typeRef.simpleName) would just “defer” it’s creation time up the last possible moment (ie when the subclass would be part of the schema)
After scratching my head a bit more it is exactly the same as one of the refs i added above: https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin/issues/584 . I’m not quite sure how to use the proposed fix either, as the example https://expediagroup.github.io/graphql-kotlin/docs/schema-generator/customizing-schemas/advanced-features - doesn’t work with the methods provided
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override fun generateAdditionalTypes(types: Set<KType>): Set<GraphQLType> {
        val newTypes = types.toMutableSet().add(MyNewType()::class.createType())
        return super.generateAdditionalTypes(newTypes)
should work but the
takes no args
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     * Generate the GraphQL type for all the `additionalTypes`.
     * If you need to provide more custom additional types that were not picked up from reflection of the schema objects,
     * you can provide more types to be added through [generateSchema].
     * This function loops because while generating the additionalTypes it is possible to create more additional types that need to be processed.
    protected fun generateAdditionalTypes(): Set<GraphQLType> {
        val graphqlTypes = mutableSetOf<GraphQLType>()
        while (this.additionalTypes.isNotEmpty()) {
            val currentlyProcessedTypes = LinkedHashSet(this.additionalTypes)
                currentlyProcessedTypes.map {
                    GraphQLTypeUtil.unwrapNonNull(generateGraphQLType(this, it.kType, it.inputType))

        return graphqlTypes
I’m sure there’s something simple that I’m missing, but I cannot for the life of me find a way to make the resolver just override Collections with List which seems like the simplest thing 😛
you can pass
/`additionalInputTypes` as arguments to schema generation process
looks like the docs are outdated
That would still require me to add the TestClass manually though, right? 🤔 Cause I won’t have access to the subtypes of the query in the scope of the generateSchema method
Yep. Add the test class to the list of additional types and then use your hook to convert set to list of references
*that would be the "simplest" approach - alternatively you could build underlying type in the hook (instead of just a reference)
Right, that makes sense! I guess what I was hoping for was to just bypass the Set<*> part and “replace” it with List<*>, and lett the default schemagenerator resolve the T/* part. But that works! Maybe an model integration layer would be a prettier way of exposing the underlying data 🤔 Thanks @Dariusz Kuc!
Since you are serializing it to a list anyway
You could also just do .toList() on it and just expose a list ;)
Ye, for my example there that would be the definite answer (and way cleaner). Was more if, say the TestClass contained a set of a different class, which whould require us to “remake” the TestClass -> TestClassQL containing a list of the same data
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data class TestClass(val content: Set<OtherTestClass>)
which would require
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data class TestClassQL(val content: List<OtherTestClass>)
👍 1
You could still convert the raw class with set to a gql model with list but that is also extra logic
Indeed! It would need to be resolved at one place or another so I guess there’s no “magic” way of doing it 🙂
Pretty much
Since its going to be serialized to json array you will loose any set properties anyway so I'd just expose it as a list to keep it consistent
Yep! My initial thought was that since this was read-only converting it from set -> list would stil retain the collection properties. I agree that with mutations this would be a different story as you would potentially loose information on the way back in. so rather than have a
we would use setOf() instead, and just expose it as a list of unique values
if it needs to be unique i’d keep it internally as set and do all the processing on it as set but expose it as a read only list
Yep, I agree! I was initially hoping to be able to hook into the schema generator to “automagically” convert from set -> list on the way out, simply to save the need of having multiple models representing the underlying data.
But it might be cleaner overall to just have it expose json-friendly models
👍 1