Hi is there a way to disable adding “Input” suffix...
# graphql-kotlin
Hi is there a way to disable adding “Input” suffix for Graphql input types?
hi 👋 there is no option to disable it globally but you can overwrite individual entries using
see https://expediagroup.github.io/graphql-kotlin/docs/schema-generator/customizing-schemas/renaming-fields
Thanks, I tried it, it still added the Input at the end.
note: renaming input object will most likely require custom data fetcher logic to correctly serialize the renamed input type to corresponding graphql type (or I guess jackson annotation might work as well)
Thanks Dariusz, The test you linked is actually showing that the Input suffix is always added. The
annotation says the type name should be
Copy code
    private class InputClassCustomName {
        val myField: String = "car"
But the test asserts that the name is
Copy code
fun `Test custom naming on classes`() {
    val result = generateInputObject(generator, InputClassCustomName::class)
    assertEquals("InputClassRenamedInput", result.name)
Anyway it’s not a big deal I think we can live with
suffix 🙂
My bad, indeed it seems we always append input