i filed a bug about this before i got access to ko...
# graphql-kotlin
i filed a bug about this before i got access to kotlin slack, but is there a way to use
to create an argument for a list of ids, like
foo(ids: [ID!]!)
cool, thanks for the response! we’re finally able to use kotlin on the server here and i’m having a lot of fun rewriting our code to use graphql-kotlin 😄
@Lenny As an user would you rather prefer: • Support for both
• Or drop support for the annotation and only use the
wrapper class?
seems like having only one API would be better for documentation and support purposes
but introducing the wrapper type and having both until a major version bump makes sense to me
Yea, that is what we prefer as well. Since we already had a breaking change coming up (unintentional non-null with the errors field) we think we are just going to roll forward with a forced update
sounds good to me! … though i’m hardly your only customer and i’m just barely one at that 😁
what would be as awsome: Support on inline classes (as typealias can't have annotations)
I briefly tried getting my PR to work with inline classes but was running into issues with Jackson. If we migrate to the wrapper class then making it inline would be a minor change only we can add later as well https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-module-kotlin/issues/199
Plus they are still experimental and require a compiler flag. For now I think we may hold off until they are released as we can more easily do a compare of the improvements if we first migrate to the wrapper class